Why sunscreen should be your best friend!

Why sunscreen should be your best friend!

As most of you know when you visit Blossom, I often stress about the importance of wearing sunscreen, not just on holidays but every day. Also, not just on days when the sun is shining but on overcast days as you can still be exposed to harmful rays. Lots of...


I only offer face-to-face consultations as I feel it is important for you to meet me, see my lovely little clinic, ask me any questions, and feel comfortable enough to book your treatment with me. Consultations whether for permanent makeup, laser treatments, or any...
Skin Boosters and Menopause

Skin Boosters and Menopause

What is all the hype surrounding Skin Boosters and how will it help my skin during menopause? As women age our bodies go through many changes, including hormonal changes that can have a significant impact on our skin. Aging is a natural part of life, but that...